Legal News Archive For
April, 2019
If I Have a Warrant in One State, Will it Show Up in the System of Another State?
Added: 2019-04-25 21:41:05
If I Have a Warrant in One State, Will it Show Up in the System of Another State? If you have a warrant out for your arrest, you might be considering going to another state to escape prosecution. But would that actually work? Can agencies in another state find out that you have a warrant in y...
What Would Happen If I Was Caught Selling Drugs?
Added: 2019-04-18 23:09:40
What Would Happen If I Was Caught Selling Drugs? Drug charges are always serious offenses. Selling drugs is usually treated more seriously than simply using drugs. What happens to you when you are caught selling drugs largely depends on a number of factors including the type of drug, where you w...
Can I Refuse a Blood Test if I Am Arrested For a DUI?
Added: 2019-04-11 18:14:32
Can I Refuse a Blood Test if I Am Arrested For a DUI? If you're arrested for a DUI, it's likely that you will be tested for your blood alcohol content or your breath alcohol content. Either one of these is a standard measure for the police to use to determine how much alcohol is in your syste...
What Qualifies As a Medical Malpractice Case?
Added: 2019-04-05 19:29:09
What Qualifies As a Medical Malpractice Case? We trust our doctors to make the right decisions when it comes to our health. But sometimes, the things we fear the most actually happen. Whether medical malpractice arises out of a simple mistake or a malicious act, you have every right under the...