Legal News Archive For
December, 2018
I Was Arrested For a Crime But Wasn't Read My Miranda Rights. What Should I Do?
Added: 2018-12-28 00:38:47
I Was Arrested For a Crime But Wasn't Read My Miranda Rights. What Should I Do? Miranda rights are so ubiquitous that nearly everyone knows the first few lines, if not the entire shpiel. “You have the right to remain silent” is a phrase heard on virtually every police procedural show. Eve...
My Injury Happened at Work. How Do I Know If I Have a Case Against My Employer?
Added: 2018-12-20 23:08:34
My Injury Happened at Work. How Do I Know If I Have a Case Against My Employer? Workers compensation exists to protect employees when they are injured during the course of their job duties. Still, it can sometimes be confusing to know whether or not you have a case against your employer, even...
What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Tax Attorney?
Added: 2018-12-12 23:22:13
What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Tax Attorney? Taxes. The only inevitable thing in life aside from death itself. Taxes certainly aren’t fun, and getting in trouble because of tax issues is an even worse day. Most people choose to do their taxes alone or by going to one of the many popular ...