Legal News Archive For
October, 2017
State Rep. Muñoz Served with a $3 Million Fine in Legal Malpractice Case
Added: 2017-10-22 22:59:06
After concluding that State Representative Sergio Muñoz Jr. ignored the fact of disclosing an affiliation to state District Judge Jesse Contreras during a case Muñoz took in Contreras’ courtroom a federal judge charged Muñoz to pay $3 million in restitutions. Top of Form Bottom of Form ...
In Order to Keep Studios at Bay VidAngel Tries a Bankruptcy Strategy
Added: 2017-10-18 01:16:23
VidAngel, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, to protect its streaming service that filters out offensive film and television content. Disney, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros studios’ filed a lawsuit against VidAngel two months before they filed for bankruptcy, accusing the Utah-based co...
Montana and Wisconsin Men Facing 6th DUI Charge
Added: 2017-10-05 01:15:16
Cascade County District Court is expecting a Montana man, with five prior DUI convictions, to show up on Thursday afternoon for his scheduled initial appearance for his sixth drinking and driving offense. On September 19th outside Great falls, 59-year-old David Ronald Evans of St. Marie was dri...
North Texas ER Chain Revived from Bankruptcy Taken over by Hedge Fund
Added: 2017-10-02 20:58:54
Adeptus Health, a Lewisville-based detached emergency room chain is emerging from bankruptcy and has recently been acquired by New York hedge fund Deerfield Management. In a statement issued Monday, the company announced the news. After a string of loss earnings, Adeptus, one of the nation’s l...