Legal News Archive For
September, 2017
Drunk Driver Heading to Prison After Killing Christmas Shopping Grandmother
Added: 2017-09-27 22:42:10
An assistant prosecutor said, a man with a past of intoxicated driving is a “continuing threat’’ who warrants a long prison sentence for a crash in December that killed a Christmas Shopping grandmother. A grandmother of seven was Christmas shopping when she was involved in a car accident c...
Wife Steals Identity and Retirement Account from Husband in Bankruptcy Scam
Added: 2017-09-15 23:19:51
A bankruptcy scam like this has never been seen by Veteran financial fraud investigators. An Indiana woman, while still married, managed to steal her husband identity and liquidate his 401(k) among other assets. “This was certainly a unique case,” Special Agent Doug Kaspe, said. He supervise...
Judge Investigates Ethicon's Link in Pelvic Mesh Mass Tort
Added: 2017-09-13 22:40:16
The judge supervising the pelvic mesh mass tort litigation, pointed out that the defendant which is based in New Jersey may have a "strong" affiliation with the mesh-manufacturer in Pennsylvania, however, he probed whether that connection would be enough to keep the over 90 pelvic mesh cases that i...
Brave Women Sacrifice Car in Order to Block DUI Suspect
Added: 2017-09-05 23:20:58
In Florida three women took it upon themselves to stop an alleged drunk driver from harming others. They instead put themselves at risk by forcing the DUI driver to crash into their car. The car rear-ended the women’s car but successfully stopped the suspects’ car. Two of the women whose car...
Jury Awards $3.35 Million to Philadelphia Woman's Medical Malpractice Suit
Added: 2017-09-04 23:18:00
As a result of St. Mary Medical Centers delay in cancer diagnosis, a jury for a medical malpractice suit awarded a Bensalem woman $3.35 million in damages. According to Philadelphia court records, after several days of trial a verdict of multi-million dollars was delivered against a Middletown h...