Legal News Archive For
August, 2017
Amount of legal malpractice claims remains constant
Added: 2017-08-22 22:51:47
In recent years malpractice claims have remained pretty constant according to a survey by risk and insurance advisor Ames & Gough. They found that although the malpractices remain constant the legal defense, the damages, and sums of settlements continue to rise. Even though the frequency of le...
Couple in Iowa Awarded $3.25 Million After Adoptive Son Reclaimed and Killed by Biological Father
Added: 2017-08-22 18:27:03
Iowa couple adopted a son, but after his birth parents reclaimed custody, his biological father murdered the child. A jury in Iowa awarded the adoptive parents $3.25 million as a result. Rachel and Heidi McFraland filed a lawsuit in August 2014, claiming Jason Rieper, their former attorney made ...
Georgia on the List of Strictest States for DUI Offenses
Added: 2017-08-14 18:27:53
If you are driving in the state of Georgia you should think twice before getting behind the wheel after having a few drinks. According to a recent study by the, a personal finance website, the state of Georgia is number two for having the strictest DUI laws in the nation. A test...