Legal News Archive For
July, 2017
Will Mass Tort change because of SCOTUS’ Plavix Decision?
Added: 2017-07-27 23:48:05
A recent decision reached by the U.S. Supreme Court may change mass tort and class action lawsuits, it would not favor plaintiffs who are injured. The case of Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) and Plavix it’s blood thinner. The court reviewed California’s Supreme Court’s decision to grant out of sta...
Mother of Fatal DUI Crash Victim Unaware Her Son Consumed Alcohol
Added: 2017-07-12 22:13:32
On Wednesday, the mother of Stone Hill, one of the 17 year old victims of a deadly car crash took the stand and testified against the woman who is accused of allowing underage drinking in her home. When Tina Hill took the stand started her testimony by explaining to jurors that her son Stone was...
True Religion Is Living on a Prayer
Added: 2017-07-10 00:19:59
According to court documents submitted by True Religion on Wednesday the maker of designer jeans has filed for bankruptcy. They are planning to do a redo of itself to wrestle with the hundreds of millions in debt including declining sales. In the court documents the company has liabilities in th...
Courts Decide Wisconsin's Medical Malpractice Awards Are Unconstitutional
Added: 2017-07-06 00:21:11
Wisconsin’s $750,000 cap on medical malpractice claims was deemed unconstitutional by an appellate court stating a woman who lost all four limbs and her husband from Milwaukee should be awarded a sum of $16.5 million for their pain and suffering. "We conclude that the statutory cap on non-econ...