Legal News Archive For
May, 2017
Felony DUI Offender Arrested After Crashing Bicycle
Added: 2017-05-23 20:34:50
A man under the influence who was already previously convicted of a felony DUI was taken into custody for violating probation due to a crash involving his bicycle reportedly crashing into a vehicle. After receiving a ticket for disobeying traffic lights Edwin Knight, 50 was arrested on a probation...
Tinley Park Family Awarded $23.1 Million in Negligence Case
Added: 2017-05-12 20:10:00
A judge from Cook County awarded $23.1 million to a Tinley Park family of a 5 year old girl who continually endures health problems as a result of complications during delivery. Dr. Thomas Myers, the neonatologist who over saw the birth of Drew Kerrins, was found to be negligent by Judge Kay Han...
Patients Can Sue for Not Having an Opportunity of Recovery in Oregon
Added: 2017-05-11 20:18:35
Patients in Oregon can now bring medical malpractice cases not only due to injury but also when the patient is denied treatment which could lead to a better recovery. This ruling came early this week from the Oregon Supreme Court. Physician groups advise the ruling will result in more lawsuits, hi...
Bumble Bee Tuna Caught in a Guilty Net
Added: 2017-05-08 20:32:53
"[We] will continue to hold these companies and their executives accountable for conduct that targeted a staple in American households," said Andrew Finch, acting assistant attorney general of the Justice Department's antitrust division, in a statement. After meetings with other packaged seafood...
Women Seek Lead Roles in Mass Torts
Added: 2017-05-02 20:34:02
Lori Andrus a San Francisco plaintiffs lawyer for the last 20 years has held many leadership roles in mass tort cases such as Farmers Group, Bayer and Johnson & Johnson over pay discrimination, defective birth control and other pills. She hopes more women will follow. With evidence of an ongo...
Sacramento Runner Killed Collision by suspected Drunk Driver
Added: 2017-05-01 19:49:24
According to California Highway Patrol the man involved in the collision which killed Theresa McCourt, a well known Sacramento runner, was arrested and suspected of drunk driving. The accident happened last week in south Sacramento, McCourt, 58, was hospitalized as a result of being hit with the...