Legal News Archive For
December, 2008
State Attorney General at Centre of Lawsuit
Added: 2008-12-24 14:07:56
The State Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal, has found himself at the centre of a lawsuit that has been filed by eight state troopers. The lawsuit claims that the Attorney General's office is not properly able to protect whistleblowers when it comes to cases against the government because it als...
Lawsuit Filed Over President-Elect's Oath
Added: 2008-12-23 14:08:49
According to recent reports a lawsuit has been filed over the oath that is to be used to have President-elect, Barack Obama, sworn in later this month, with those filing the lawsuit seeking to have a reference to God removed from the oath. The lawsuit was filed by a Californian man and seventeen o...
Lawsuit Being Filed Over Cleanup of Bay
Added: 2008-12-22 14:09:35
A lawsuit is being filed by members of a conservation group, who are seeking to make officials to clean up pollution in Chesapeake Bay. The lawsuit is being filed in US District Court in Washington by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Officials from the foundation claim that anti-pollution measures h...
Former Mills Nanny Files Lawsuit
Added: 2008-12-19 14:11:24
Heather Mills, ex-wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney, dominated the news over the past year as a result of the legal wranglings that resulted from her seeking a huge divorce settlement from the millionaire singer. Mills, aged forty, was eventually awarded a massive sum of over thirty five million...
Cruise Movie Threatened By Lawsuit
Added: 2008-12-18 14:12:14
A new movie by Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise is being threatened by a lawsuit as a result of allegedly using a Nazi prop without the necessary permission being obtained. The prop that is at the centre of the controversy is a replica of the Nazi leader's Fuhrer Globe. In the movie Cruise plays one...
Welding Fume Lawsuits Filed
Added: 2008-12-17 14:13:08
According to recent reports two lawsuits have been filed in Marshall claiming that fumes from welding resulted in two workers contracting nervous system problems. The lawsuits claim that the workers were exposed to the welding fumes without the necessary ventilation, causing the nervous disorders. ...
Walmart Settles Labor Related Lawsuits
Added: 2008-12-16 14:13:50
Retail giant Walmart has decided to settle over sixty lawsuits that were filed against it, totalling compensation payments of around six hundred and forty million dollars. The retail giant want accused of breaking labour laws in the sixty three lawsuits that had been filed against it, with employee...
Recording Association to Stop Suing Individuals Over Illegal Downloads
Added: 2008-12-15 14:15:46
Earlier this week the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) stated that it would not be filing mass lawsuits against individuals that were found to be illegally downloading, and that instead it would leave it to the individual's Internet Service Provider to take the necessary action inst...
DJ Files Lawsuit Over Crash
Added: 2008-12-12 14:17:40
Celebrity DJ, DJ AM, has filed a lawsuit over a crash that he and his friend were involved in. The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, and involves a Learjet crash that he and his friend were involved in earlier this year in September. DJ AM, who goes by the name Adam Goldstein, and h...
Lawsuits Filed Over Fatal LA Train Crash
Added: 2008-12-12 14:16:56
A number of lawsuits have been filed by victims of a Los Angeles train crash which occurred on September 12th. The crash left twenty five people dead, and the lawsuits have been filed against the company that employed the engineer that was suspected of causing the crash. Negligence lawsuits have b...
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Over Trampled Worker
Added: 2008-12-10 14:18:29
A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by the family of a man who was recently trampled to death whilst working on a temporary basis at a Wal-Mart store in Long Island. The lawsuit has been filed against Wal-Mart as well as against the shopping centre and the company that was responsible for secur...
Woman Sues Restaurant Over Toilet Seat
Added: 2008-12-09 14:19:12
A woman from New Jersey is suing a restaurant in the Bethlehem area over a broken toilet seat, which caused her to fall into the ceramic bowl leaving her stuck in the toilet for around twenty minutes according to a recent report. Kathleen Hewko said that she went to the toilet, which was a disable...
Taser International Dismissed From Lawsuit Again
Added: 2008-12-08 14:20:35
The maker of the stun gun, Taser International, has once again been dropped from a lawsuit that was filed over a death. The manufacturer has been at the centre of a large number of lawsuits that have been filed over deaths, but in the majority of cases it has been dismissed from the cases, with thi...
Soldiers Sue Defence Contractor
Added: 2008-12-05 14:21:23
According to a recent report sixteen American soldiers that served in Iraq have filed a lawsuit against KBR, which is the defence contractor. KBR is accused of knowingly exposing the soldiers to a cancer causing chemical, with the soldiers claiming that the exposure occurred when they were working ...
R&B Stars Face Million Dollar Lawsuit
Added: 2008-12-04 14:22:13
According to recent reports R&B stars Rhianna and Chris Brown are being sued for one million dollars by a photographers who claims that he was assaulted by the bodyguards of Brown, who he accuses of beating him up and stealing his camera. The photographer, Luis Santana, claims that he was assaulte...
Medical Device Maker Says it Was Not Responsible for Woman's Death
Added: 2008-12-03 14:23:00
The medical device maker, Medtronic, has stated that it was not responsible for the death of a woman from California after a lawsuit was filed against the company. The case related to the use of its product, the Infuse Bone Graft product, which a doctor used on the woman that died. According to re...
Lawsuit Filed to Seize Assets of Gang Members
Added: 2008-12-02 14:23:51
In an unprecedented move for the state, prosecutors from Los Angeles have filed a lawsuit that seeks to seize the assets of senior members of a large gang in the hope that this will cripple their criminal enterprises. Prosecutors are aiming to seize assets of major members of the 18th Street gang. ...
Chinese Court Refuses to Accept Lawsuit
Added: 2008-12-01 14:24:38
According to a recent report a Chinese court has refused to accept a lawsuit relating to tainted milk that is thought to have made many children ill and even caused fatalities. The lawsuit was being filed against a Chinese dairy, with dozens of parents claiming that the milk made their children ill...